307.314.2188, PO Box 2332, Laramie, WY 82073
Amazon Order Confirmation Email Scam:
A Sheridan citizen reported an email scam from “Order confermation < bhagwanji1923@gmail.com>” (note the misspelling) with the subject line of “Order ConfirmationDear Client,” (note the incorrect spacing). The email purports to be from Amazon and has a PDF attached. Do not open the PDF or click on the links.
Credit Card Phone Scam:
A Cheyenne citizen reported a phone scam saying his credit card had been compromised. The number came from 209-684-6423 and the citizen noted that there were an extra 4 zeros at the end as well. CyberWyoming Note: usually when calls end with 0000 it is a clue that it isn’t a ‘real’ phone number.
New Version of Amazon Email Scam:
A Lander citizen reported a new version of an old Amazon scam. The email claims to be you order summary for products you obviously did not purchase. The email looks VERY real with Amazon logos, Amazon buttons, Amazon formatted order details, other product recommendations, and more. The email is also very well written. The email requests that you call the fraud team at a non-Amazon phone number of 1-702-905-1852 if you did not order the products. CyberWyoming research note: This phone number is associated with several phishing emails.
CyberWyoming Alert:
Scammers take advantage of chaos. Triple check any request for money or help that come through via phone, email, or text. It may be a scam taking advantage of the chaos in DC.
Adobe Flash End of Support Notice:
As of 12/31/20, Adobe’s Flash Player product is no longer supported. CyberWyoming recommends searching your programs on your computer for Adobe Flash and, if it is present, following Microsoft’s instructions to uninstall https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4577586/update-for-removal-of-adobe-flash-player. If you are using an Apple product, here are the instructions from Adobe to uninstall https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-mac-os.html.
MS-ISAC Patch Now Alert:
The Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) has published a patch now (update your software) alert for Fortinet FortiWeb (firewall), Mozilla’s Firefox browser, Mozilla’s Firefox Extended Support Release, Mozilla’s Firefox for Android, Google’s Chrome browser, and Google’s Android (smartphones, tablets & watches) products. If you use these products, make sure the software (or firmware) updated.
Scambusters.org Investment Advice:
The US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has some great podcasts on investment scam risks. Before you invest, be sure to check out the videos at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/educator-tools/students/financial-intuition/.
- Please report your scam to phishing@cyberwyoming.org to alert your friends and neighbors.
Other ways to report a scam:
- Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker: bbb.org/scamtracker/us/reportscam
- File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at ftccomplaintassistant.gov
- Report your scam to the FBI at www.ic3.gov/complaint
- Reported unwanted calls to the Federal Trade Commission’s Do Not Call Registration. Online at donotcall.gov/report.html or call 1-888-382-1222, option 3
- Office of the Inspector General: oig.ssa.gov
- AARP Fraud Watch Network (any age welcome) Helpline 877-908-3360
- IRS: report email scams impersonating the IRS to phishing@irs.gov
- Call the Wyoming Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) for assistance with potential Medicare fraud, abuse, or errors at 1 800 856-4398